More than $11,000 raised for chopper at KCE fundraiser

The money was raised at a quiz night and auction fundraising event hosted by local electricity retailer King Country Energy (KCE) at the Waitomo Club on Thursday 29 October.
KCE community relations manager Helen Peacock said more than 120 Waitomo residents attended the event "for a night of fun, laughs and goodwill".
"Overall, 29 team tickets and dozens of auction items were sold, with all proceeds going to the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter, which services the Waikato and King Country Region," she said.
Auction items included a Venturer fishing charter trip for up to 9 people; Annah Stretton fashion styling session for 10; a Spark iPhone 6s; a Waitomo prize pack from Huhu, Abseil Inn and Waitomo Adventures; a Stihl Shop Otorohanga chainsaw; a UBP meat pack and much more.
Mrs Peacock said the event was a "flying success", with more than $11,200 raised for the fundamental 24/7 emergency response service, and many attendees suggesting the event run annually.
"It really is extraordinary how many King Country lives have been saved across the years thanks to the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter," she said.
"For instance, in the first six months of 2015 the helicopter undertook 57 patient transports within the geographic area where KCE customers reside.
"We're so thrilled with how many Waitomo residents came to show communal support for the service at our quiz night and auction fundraiser. This community is truly fun and generous."
"We must also thank the big-hearted companies that donated auction items, the Waitomo Club who gifted $1500 to the Chopper, and our wonderful MC's Peter Wylie and Morty Mortensen."
"Without their support this event wouldn't be possible."
KCE has a major associate sponsorship with charitable organisation Philips Search & Rescue Trust since January 2014.
KCE's sponsorship contributes to operational costs of the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter that services the Waikato and King Country Region.