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HMC's full range of public relations and marketing communications services helps clients tell their stories, build relationships, expand their digital footprint, and navigate issues and crises.  

We have been named the 20232021 and 2018 PRINZ PR Consultancy of the Year, proving HMC is recognised by our peers as being one of the best public relations firms in the country.

You can trust the HMC team to spark the change you desire through clever communication.  We provide public relations, strategic communications, and digital marketing support to some of New Zealand's leading companies - we can help you too.


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AI-powered system transforms body condition scoring for dairy farmers

Spending time manually body condition scoring cows and getting inconsistent results is now a thing of the past for dairy farmers, thanks to New Zealand’s first AI-powered body condition scoring (BCRead more

Maintaining milk flows to pay the bills

As spring calving farmers around the country enter in the final stage of lactation, the incentive to keep the milk flowing is certainly there. A strong milk price and kind first half of the seasonRead more

New facility allows Bovonic to commercialise production to meet farmer demand and drive international expansion

The opening of Bovonic’s new facility near Tauranga will allow the company to commercialise the production of its mastitis detection technology, QuadSense, to meet farmer demand and support plans fRead more

Proactive mineral management key to helping in-calf cows thrive

With mating well underway down South and early pregnancies progressing in the North, supporting your in-calf cows with the right balance of minerals can help maintain healthy pregnancies, grow strongRead more

Regional Targeting Now Available for TikTok Ads in New Zealand: A Game-Changer for Local Businesses

This might be old news to some, but for those who haven’t caught up, TikTok has rolled out regional targeting for ads in New Zealand. Until now, TikTok ads were limited to nationwide targeting.  WRead more

Gallagher and FarmIQ Join Forces to Simplify Data Management for Farmers

Gallagher and FarmIQ are simplifying data management for farmers with the launch of a powerful new integration that will help them harness the power of having all their data in one place. IndustryRead more

Buyers get ready: Te Awa Lakes properties available to purchase from February

Seven years after Perry Group originally announced the expansive Te Awa Lakes lifestyle development in Horotiu, buyers can purchase a home off plans in Waikato’s first master-planned community fromRead more

Water to wine: A lifetime contribution to irrigation

For Waipara local John McCaskey creating wine from water was probably one of his more eyebrow-raising farming ventures. But his vision nearly 50 years ago was instrumental in placing the northRead more

Canterbury Sharemilkers Win Top Honour for Excellence in Sustainable Irrigation

Canterbury sharemilkers Eugene and Sarah Cronin have been named the Supreme Winners of the 2024 Zimmatic™ Trailblazer Sustainable Irrigation Awards tonight in Wellington. Eugene and Sarah milk 500Read more

Prioritise hoof health to maximise repro performance and capitalise on payout

Dairy farmers can boost their reproduction success this mating season by prioritising hoof health and early lameness detection to keep cows in top condition and make the most of a promising forecastRead more

Who do you think you are?! Aligning your identity with your reputation

As PR practitioners, we work with companies and leaders who are looking to shape their reputation and build trust with their audiences. It’s a process that involves balancing who they are with howRead more

Harnessing technology and industry partnerships key to efficiency gains

By Darrell Jones, Gallagher General Manager New Zealand & Chile  New Zealand’s pasture-based agricultural systems are in the spotlight. As one of the world’s largest dairy companies, Nestlé isRead more