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Blog: Five powerful Facebook ads targeting options you didn’t know existed

It’s old news that advertising on Facebook and Instagram is a cost-effective way to reach new and existing customers to grow your business. Facebook's mind-blowing, granular targeting options ensure that your ads reach the people who will be genuinely interested in the products or services that you're offering.

But if you’ve ever set up a Facebook ads campaign, you know the targeting options across the categories of demographics, interests, behaviour, page connections and re-marketing can be very overwhelming.

As a result, most people either target too broad or too narrow which either leads to wasted impressions as they’re not reaching the right people or the opposite happens which means good prospects could be missed. There is a lot of trial and error and ongoing optimisation required to find the happy medium.

In this Blog, we’ve compiled a list of 5 powerful targeting options that you might have not heard of yet:

  1. Life events
    Facebook has pretty much every imaginable life event targeting option, since we tend to post these to our timelines. You can target close friends of newly engaged people; with birthdays coming up; recently moved; newlyweds and of course people with upcoming birthdays themselves. 
  2. Facebook Payments User & Purchase behaviour
    These targeting options are particularly valuable to e-commerce stores. Engaged online shoppers can be targeted and those who have used Facebook Payments in the last 30 or 90 days. 
  3. Parents
    If you’re selling goods or services for parents and children, you’re in luck. Facebook can narrow down your audience to target parents with children in the right age range. 
  4. Recently moved
    Reaching recently moved people could be relevant for many businesses – i.e. services and products around DIY home and garden and also local services such as dentists, hairdressers etc. 
  5. Facebook Page Admins
    Facebook even lets you target people who are admins of a business Facebook Page in a certain industry, such as retail, hospitality, sports, health and beauty and many more.

The list could go on and on. If you need help narrowing down your ideal target audience and getting your ads in front of the right people, get in touch to find out how we can help.